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Q&A Directory
        What is Pin Eezy?
        What is Dial Eezy?
        What is Eezy Redial?
        What is Eezy Charge?
        What is Eezy Book?

What is Dial Eezy?
This is Peezy's speed dial feature.

When you call the same international numbers over and over again, dialing their numbers can be a hassle. Let Peezy make it Eezy for you.

Store up to 9 of your most frequently dialed numbers on your Dial Eezy directory and you are that much closer to talking with your family and friends. You can call a 20 digit number in 5 seconds or less, when you Dial Eezy with PEEZY.

Using Eezy Charge feature, you can automatically recharge your account. You just need to set the amount that should be charged when your account falls below a certain value.
Just click on the BILLING button when you log into the members area.